Our Portfolio

What We Offer

Winter ACMV works with building ventilation and cooling systems for various residential, commercial and industrial applications. We have a proven track record of professional excellence and client satisfaction in the implementation of our projects. Our services include the design, installation, and maintenace of ACMV systems, as well as consulting and systems analysis.

Advanced design analyses such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and detailed cooling load calculations on an hourly basis are also now available, with examples shown below in our Advanced Design Showcase. Please contact us for details.

Some Details

Conventionally, Winter ACMV has specialized in working with:

  • DX air-conditioners
  • Water-cooled and air-cooled chillers
  • Air handling units and air washers
  • Cooling towers and pumps
  • Duct and piping works
  • Car park ventilation systems
  • Stairwell pressurization systems
  • Upgrading and retrofitting of chiller plants

for various residential, commercial, and industrial purposes, although the scope of our portfolio is constantly expanding. We encourage you to peruse a few of our past projects shown below for evaluation purposes.

Advanced Design Showcase

Legacy Projects for Evaluation

Zayarthiri Shopping Mall, Napyidaw


  • Scope of work:
    Design and installation
  • Equipment type:
    Air-cooled liquid chiller
  • Capacity:
    (170 ton) 8 sets

Textile Mill & Garment Factory, Meikhtila


  • Scope of work:
    Design, installation, and maintenance
  • Equipment type:
    Water-cooled liquid chiller system
  • Capacity:
    (200 ton) 24 sets

Tungapuri Hotel, Naypidaw


  • Scope of work:
    Design and installation
  • Equipment type:
    Water-cooled liquid chiller system
  • Capacity:
    (200 ton) 8 sets

HDPE Pipe Factory, Mingalardon


  • Scope of work:
  • Equipment type:
    Water-cooled liquid chiller system
  • Capacity:
    (100 ton) 2 sets

Bio-Safety Lab (BSL) 3, Napyidaw


  • Scope of work:
  • Equipment type:
    Duct-type DX system
  • Capacity:
    (10 ton) 4 sets

Rum Aging House, Shwepyithar


  • Scope of work:
    Design and installation
  • Equipment type:
    Duct-type DX system
  • Capacity:
    (10 ton) 4 sets

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